The Principle of our Cultural Bodywork © Courses is to combine the healing arts of the South Pacific Cultures. These Cultures have taken thousands of years to develop their own individual and unique way of healing the body, mind and soul. The combination of these forms of healing is very powerful. No where else can you achieve such a complete teaching program and action of healing.
This art of healing is performed with the greatest reverence and respect for the body. Spiritually, it encourages harmony between body, mind and soul, thus giving a feeling of Alignment and focus. In learning this sacred art your own cleansing occurs so that you feel present within in your body and are able to move forward easily.
Cultural Bodywork © Courses / What is available?
Cultural Bodywork – preformed on a table using oil.
CB Joint work – also applied on the table with or with out oil.
CB Chair Work – this is applied on a chair with or with out oil.
CB Hawaiian Floor Work – this is applied on the floor.
CB Feet Walking – this is also applied on the floor.
The flow of the Cultural Bodywork © Courses
The first and second classes create a good solid base for a bodywork treatment and you as a Cultural Bodyworker.
The third class gives you the tools that take you past the base and into a whole other level of Cultural Bodywork. We call this level detailing. In this class you begin to realize Cultural Bodywork can be expressed as an art form that supports wellness in the body.
The next series of classes are called advanced classes they are 4 days in duration and take you once again to a higher level of your understanding and application of Cultural Bodywork. Going deeper into the many principles we use to learn and apply the bodywork.
Elite bodywork these Cultural Bodywork © Courses are for the desire to embody the fullness of what cultural bodywork can be for you personally and your bodywork. Always going deeper into your personal self, technique and bodywork.
Classes that are also available that compliment the table work: CB Chair Work, CB Joint Work, CB Floor Work, and CB Feet Walking.
Beginners, 5 days
- Step by step introduction into Ka’aleleau – the “flight of the navigator” “the dance of life” – the flowing dance like movement is the foundation, the power, balance and co-ordination of the bodywork
- Understanding the Ka’aleleau as the philosophy and principal for your self-progression and bodywork.
- Synchronization and co-ordination of movement and breath during Ka’aleleau
- Intensive spirit, mind, body training during the Ka’aleleau
- Introduction into the holistic bodywork of the Pacific island cultures. Cultural Bodywork
- Introduction of sheet principles i.e. maintaining with reverence and respect the covering of the body while performing the massage
- Learning to integrate the “Flight of the Navigator “ Ka’aleleau with the table technique
- Learning of a complete massage sequence, back and front of the body
- Detailed instruction on how to apply the forearm strokes to the body
- Performing a complete treatment in a given timing 1 to 1 ½ hours on the last day
- Recommendations on setting up a practice, treatments and clientele
- Being supported through out the class in your learning and personal process.
Next steps, 9 days
- The purpose of this class is to take you deeper into the “flight of the Navigator”, massage bodywork system
- Specific joint and stretching exercises to warm and open up the body
- Thigh and calf walking this is done with the feet
- Personal and group in-tunement of Ka’aleleau
- Introduction of Ka’aleleau movement number two.
- Refreshing and progressing in the Bodywork table treatment
- Applying movement number two into a table treatment.
- Going into more detail of the body map system. This map is the pathway to apply the strokes of the bodywork in a more detailed precise manner
- Going deeper into the application of the sheet work
- Bringing about a clearer understanding how the muscles connect and flow together
- Understanding the families of the body – the connection between the muscles and the organs.
- Question answers and suggestions concerning treatments and clients
- Performing a complete treatment in a given timing 1 to 1 ½ hours on the last day
- Being supported through out the class and in your learning and personal process
Progressional, 9 days
- To impart the tools that will help you vary your treatments depending on the clients needs
- Stretching and preparation in pairs
- In-tunement into movement number one and two
- Introduction into movement number three and how to apply this movement into a table treatment.
- Going deeper into the movement and understanding of the principles of the “Flight of the Navigator” Ka’aleleau
- Refreshing and progressing in the Bodywork table treatment
- New movements on the back and front side of the body
- New tools for the practitioner to use as they feel and tune into the needs of the client.
- Learning to detail different parts of the body
Advanced Classes
Every advanced Cultural Bodywork © Courses takes you deeper into your own process of progression and deeper into the progression of your body work. Deeper into Holistic anatomy and how to use this information in treatments. New movements and a deeper understanding into the “Dance of life” “Flight of the Navigator” Ka’aleleau.
This is where the very best meet. When the elite students gather this is the gold of all trainings. Where we play, learn, apply and deepen all that Cultural Bodywork is. This is when my bodywork heart sings the loudest.
CBW complementary classes
These classes are run over 3 to 5 days.
Joint work: A complete system of working with the joints of the body and muscle stretching this can be applied on the table and the floor. This class is a three day class.
Hawaiian Floorwork: A complete treatment in it’s self preformed on the floor using your knees and feet.
Feet Walking: A complete treatment in it’s self preformed on the floor using your feet as the main tool for the treatment.
In general
In every Cultural Bodywork © Courses
- Understanding the “families”, “relatives”, and “faces” of the body a Holistic form of anatomy. Simple and intelligent.
- Sharing of information on food, life, philosophy, energy, treatments, spirituality and much much more.
- Support in self-progression and motivation.
- In each class we go deeper into the understanding and teaching of Ka’aleleau “the flight of the navigator” the dance of life and its transformational abilities.
- You are supported in your learning and personal self-progression.